
Outstanding Quality From Exceptional Facilities

Our commitment to delivering outstanding quality to every one of our clients begins with ensuring the high standards of quality and organization here at our facilities.

  • Coastal Machine & Supply operates out of a 36,000 square-foot facility, conveniently located on 4.89 acres of land on I-49.

  • Our entire production facility is climate controlled to ensure our products and equipment remain rust free. Our large yard is securely gated, providing privacy and security to both our company and our customers’ technology and equipment.

  • The latest technology runs throughout the facility. All of our machines are connected to our network with PC workstations at every machining center.

Upcoming Expansion

Currently, we’re working on a large expansion project that will add 2,700 square feet of space to the back, closing in a part of our awning and moving our shipping department. We’ll be expanding our quality control department into shipping, providing it a bigger area with workstations at every machine.

This latest project showcases our commitment to quality. By revamping our spaces and creating a more efficient layout, we’re able to maximize productivity and deliver outstanding results to our clients.

Providing quality products with personal service

For more information about our quality standards and capabilities, contact us at Coastal Machine & Supply.